The waste land bordered by this wall communicated with the back yard of an ex-livery stable-keeper of bad repute, who had failed and who still kept a few old single-seated berlins under his sheds. 墙背后的那片荒地通向一个最初以出租马车为业的人的后院,那人名声素来很坏,已经破产,不过在他那停车篷里还有几辆破车。
I have heard much of him and Pauline wrote me only last week that he is a man of bad repute and not even received by his own family in charleston, except of course by his heartbroken mother. 我听到过许多他的事情并且波琳上星期还写了信来,说他名声很坏,在查尔斯顿,连他自己家里也没有接待他,只是他那位伤透了心的母亲例外。
Some of the theatres are in bad repute. 有几家戏院名誉扫地。